A Better Value…
The VICTOR® FIRE MASTER® is a hybrid of two leading files. The Cabinet, Medeco Lock & Paint Finish of the 31” Deep FireKing File and the handle hardware to match the appearance of Victor, Kardex, and Remington Rand Vertical Files. • A baked dry gypsum cast, smooth powder-coat paint finish, field-replaceable exterior panels. • built like a fire safe but functions daily as a top-quality file cabinet. Smooth-rolling heavy-duty suspensions; high Drawer body accommodates hanging Folders; (Vertical File) also come with sliding drawer dividers (each drawer) for drop file use. Medeco Lock secures all drawers.
… Better Protection
Awarded UL approval for BOTH the Underwriter’s laboratories UL Class 3500 1-HR FIRE and UL IMPACT RATED (30-foot drop) during the 1-hour fire test with furnace temperatures reaching 17000 F. Factory tested at 1/2 hour fire for Digital Media protection The factory baked-dry gypsum insulated cast (like dry-wall) removes free-moisture. It contains NO asbestos.

Sold through MAP approved Dealers